Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Does Personal Training With IPC Cost
We charge in blocks of training which could range from $40 per week upward to $120 per week. This is altered based upon length of training, how soon results are needed as well if the delivery is face to face or online
How Soon Can I Expect Progress
We measure multiple points of progress as we believe progress comes in many forms. Initially it could be that you feel as though you have a lot more energy due to more movement and better food choices in your lifestyle. Following this you could see a reduction around the waist line and a change in the scales. Following would be a increase in strength while your before and after photos tell the full story of your overall transformation.
What Timeslots Do You Offer
Each coach works specific hours in their respected clubs. These hours would range from;
Monday – Thursday 5:30am – 10:00am 3:00pm – 7:00pm
Friday 5:30am to 10:00am
Communication is avaliable 24/7 with our guarantee response time within 14 hours.